My name is Abigail Gilb but everyone calls me Abby. I have one sister. Her name is Lillian, or Lily for short. I am 11 years old. My birthday is May 4th - Star Wars Day.
My mom's name is Gina and my dad's name is Ken. My dad is a computer programmer and my mom is a bank manager. My parents recently divorced. My sister and I live with my mom in Wilmington, NC and my dad lives in St. Louis, MO. I have one set of grandparents in California and the other lives here in Wilmington. I have two aunts and one uncle, and fou younger cousins who live in California. The oldest member of my family is my Great-Grandma Gilb, who is 94 years old and lives in southern California.
I have traveled to many different places like Italy, Missouri, and California, but the farthest I have traveled is to St. Petersburg, Russia.